Samrangdo Is Living History

About Samrangdo history, Ji Han Jae, Hapkido, Doju Chris Garland

Sam Rang Do is one of three central martial arts systems rooted in the Three Kingdoms' period of Korean history (~18 ACE—660 ACE), and it is the most influential style behind the development of modern Hapkido. The techniques practiced by the ancient Sam Rang Goon warriors of the Paekche Dynasty were consolidated into an eclectic system that would materialize into the Sam Rang Do curriculum.

Being a comprehensive art, Sam Rang Do incorporates ground fighting; Hap Ki Yu Sul (throwing and sweeping techniques, along with their counters); kicks in the complete sense; a plethora of striking and blocking techniques; deploying a copious variety of knives and projectiles; cane; short, mid- and long-stick techniques; joint locks; po bak sul (techniques involving rope and elastic materials), as well as the sword. 

Weapon retention and extraction techniques, including defense against handguns, rifles, knives of any given sort, as well as any weapon that can be used to catastrophic effect, is a staple of the style, especially considering  the modern, practical relevance of practicing and preparing for such potential scenarios, whether that be in a combative situation, or in the streets of society.

What's imperative to know is that the foundation of this multifaceted art rests in the practice of traditional Korean swordsmanship, which includes the art of cutting with a live blade, in addition to Kumdo, the Korean art of fencing.

The footwork and general mechanics involved in the movements underlying swordsmanship techniques are directly correlated with movements involved in hand-to-hand, or empty-handed, applications. The same principle applies to practicing with a number of classical weapons that were integral to the actual fighting techniques employed by the Sam Rang Goon.

The two most significant contemporary figures at the forefront of Sam Rang Do are Dojunim Ji, Han Jae, who is the founder of the art in its consolidated, modern format, and his successor, Doju Ronald Christopher Garland, who is from Nashville, TN.

Doju Garland has trained extensively in Korea, Japan, and several Asian countries. His training started at a very young age, and over many decades he has also maintained a prolific career in the military and high-level security fields.


The Development of Samrangdo under Ji Han Jae