Martial Arts Training With Neurodiversity and
Hearing Impairment

Executive Martial Arts offers various classes and training programs for children of all ages and skill levels, including those with neurodiversity or hearing impairments. Our Nashville-based martial arts school aims to create personal development opportunities for children through martial arts within the Nashville community. Our mission is to provide a higher level of support through martial arts for children with cognitive opportunities and hearing impairments.

The instructors at Executive Martial Arts are committed to being fluent in sign language, continuously educated on the spectrum of cognitive opportunities for children, and patient to help children develop both mentally and physically. They use positive reinforcement to build self-esteem, confidence, discipline, positive attitude, and values in their students.

Martial arts training has been shown to have positive impacts on neurodiverse children, including improved executive functions, increased behavioral inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. Furthermore, martial arts can help boost children's self-control, self-esteem, and resilience, as well as provide a means of self-expression through movement.

Our program is designed with your child’s needs in mind

  1. Expert teachers for children with cognitive opportunities and hearing impairments

  2. Individualized plans for each child

  3. Tailored training for children across the spectrum

  4. Strong relationships between children, parents, and instructors

  5. Parental participation in classes

Cognitive Opportunities Program

We're excited to announce our commitment to supporting the neurodiverse community in Nashville. Starting May 2023, Executive Martial Arts will provide tailored private training for individuals with neurodiversity. Furthermore, by August 2023, we'll expand our services to offer customized group classes for local businesses with a mission to empower children on the neurodiversity spectrum. Join us in fostering an inclusive environment and celebrating neurodiversity in our community!

Hearing Impairment Program

Launched in May 2023, our hearing impairment program is creating opportunities for all, even as our instructors work towards ASL fluency by the end of 2024. Initially, we'll cater to older age groups, with written or typed communication, but we're excited to involve parents in younger children's classes to help us bridge communication gaps. By the end of 2023, we'll expand our program to all ages, ensuring equal opportunities for everyone. Join us on this inclusive journey by filling out the form below.

Enrollment Is Open! Request A Short Application Below

Meet Our Instructors

  • Christopher Garland

    Christopher Garland – Christopher is the Founder and Grandmaster of Executive Martial Arts; which is Nashville’s hub for traditional Hapkido training for all ages and skill levels, offering children’s classes, women’s self-defense, adult open class, world-class swordsmanship training, and individualized training for children across the cognitive spectrum.

  • Sandra Garland Micic

    Sabumnim Sandra Garland Micic – Sandra teaches the women’s self-defense and children’s classes. Prior to teaching at Executive Martial Arts, she taught children in Switzerland; where she saw the same need for children with hearing impairments and cognitive opportunities. Further solidifying that programs like this are needed across the global and Executive Martial Arts is passionate about leading the way in this space.

  • Kate Bowman

    Kate is currently training with a goal to achieve her black belt. Her son, Sloan Fain, is her inspiration for diving head first into martial arts. At age 2.5, Sloan was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD. Since then, Kate has been on a journey to ensure her son has all the opportunities any other child would. On that journey, they found Christopher at Executive Martial Arts and Sloan thrived. This inspired Kate to become an instructor, so she could help other children like Sloan through sharing the benefits of martial arts.