Finding a Great Martial Arts Teacher for Kids: 5 Core Values to Look For

From music to martial arts and everything in between, picking the best schools and mentors for your children is the key to making sure they are listening to the right voices that reinforce your own core values.

Many martial arts studios teach techniques, but a great martial arts school will have teachers that are more than just highly accomplished martial artists. Each martial arts teacher should also have a black belt in core values.

Below are five core values that every mentor in your child’s life should have, no matter what skills they are learning on top of this foundation.

“Skillsets Dictate Leadership”

The “method” here is simple: watch their feet not their mouth. Skillsets dictate leadership, so if they have these skills, they can earn your trust.

When you study the behavior of your kid’s martial arts instructors, do they exhibit the following core values at a level of mastery and grace? Would you like your kids to look to them as role models? What kinds of martial artists do you want your children to become?

If they’re learning self defense, what kind of “self” is worth defending?

Trust your instincts!

1. Look For SOMEONE Who Instills Core Values of Character in Their Students

Chris Garland at Executive Martial Arts instilling core values of Character and Focus in students, April 21, 2022

The first core value to look for when finding a great martial arts instructor for kids is character.

A person of good character is guided by the virtues of honesty, integrity, loyalty, and courage in their daily actions. They do the right thing even when it’s hard, a handshake is as good as any contract, and they stand by their word. Students need role models who have good character to motivate them to be the best versions of themselves. 

Your Instructors should Have Great Character

A good martial arts instructor will be someone of high character who can be trusted with your child. Someone who keeps their word, who is patient and kind, but also firm and disciplined in the training they provide. Look for a teacher who is a role model for your child and who is someone you would feel comfortable having around your family.

The Martial Arts Lineage Should Be Full Of Great Characters

There’s also a particular character to the way teachings have passed down over the years, and a great martial arts instructor will represent this. For example the founder of Hapkido, Choi Yong Sool set the tone with a dominant character, personality, and set of virtues that shines through each generation, from Dojunim Ji Han Jae, and through organizations like the Korea Hapkido Federation and Hapkido United.

These traits have at their core a foundation in the Art of Swordsmanship, and a martial arts philosophy that is rooted in spiritual and cultural traditions that are much older than many realize.

2. Look For SOMEONE Who Embodies the Value of Courage

Chris Garland with his Sensei, Hanshi Dale Scott Kirby, Undisclosed Location, Private Training in Swordsmanship with Live Blade.

A person of courage may feel fear like anyone else, but they use it as fuel. Fear does not stop them from doing what needs to be done. Someone at a black belt level who is teaching others should be able to take selfless action, and should be willing to look past momentary discomfort or insecurity and seize the moment. Students need martial arts role models and training that can teach them to master the arts of confidence and courage. 

It's important to help each student face their fears and overcome them, and encourage your child to take appropriate risks and try new things inside and outside of class, out in the world. Leading by example, martial artists should not be afraid to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means going against the grain or questioning things that most people take for granted.

Your Instructors should Have a "Spirit of Courage"

The spirit of courage is woven through the movements and the philosophy of many Nashville martial arts studios, whether they teach Korean or Japanese martial arts, Hapkido classes, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Judo, no-frills self defense class, or any other chosen style. Whether the teacher is called "sabom nim" or "sensei", no matter what they are teaching, whatever the organization is, highly revered traditional styles or sport and fitness based arts, courage should be encouraged.

3. Look For A SOMEONE Who is Committed to The Success of Every Student

Private swordsmanship training for children at Executive Martial Arts in Nashville, TN

Commitment means making a choice and doing what you say you’re going to do. It means being willing to stand by a decision and see things through to their natural conclusion. A master martial arts practitioner who is committed to teaching will always be in your corner, and instead of giving you excuses, they will give you lessons in the art of getting results. Students need role models for commitment to teach them how to grow into dependable, reliable, stable, happy adults, for life. Schools that embody this kind of discipline create students who carry it forth into the world.

Your Instructors should be Present For Their Students

They will be committed to your child’s success and will do whatever it takes to help them reach their goals. A good martial arts instructor will also be someone who is patient and able to work with your child at their own pace. Great martial arts studios are able to personalize instruction if needed.

4. Look For A SOMEONE Who Engages in Effective Communication

Chris Garland of Executive Martial Arts teaching kid’s martial arts class focus and discipline. January, 2022 in Nashville TN

Everyone is capable of becoming an excellent communicator. Most of the time bad communication is created by fear. When character, courage, and commitment are in place, fear dissolves and it becomes easier to communicate clearly. Students need role models and instructors who demonstrate how to communicate in situations that safely challenge them to learn new skills. 

The right martial arts instructors will also be able to teach kids at their level. They should be able to give clear instructions and provide feedback that is helpful and constructive in every lesson.

Your Instructors Must Be Effective Communicators

Great martial arts instructors should be able to communication effectively with your child. They should be able to understand what your child is saying and respond in a way that is respectful and helpful.

Effective communication can be an entire martial art of it's own, and something parents often struggle with. Getting kids to pay attention can be difficult, even more so when you're trying to teach them something. No matter what the subject, a teacher with a lot of knowledge and the right communication style should be able to create highly focused attention. Classroom style or one on one, the knowledge transfer from instructor to student depends on great communication.

5. Look For A SOMEONE Who Demonstrates Consistency in Their Teaching Methods

Consistency in training is the key to long term success in any martial arts school. Showing up regularly, on time or early, on a schedule, and getting in the number of repetitions needed to master any techniques or skill sets. Consistency is also how relationships and community are built. Students need consistent role models to teach them by example what it looks like to be a steady, reliable person, at every rank... something they will naturally grow into.  

Your Instructor Should Embody Consistency

A good martial arts instructor will be someone who is consistent in their teaching methods. They will use the same methods each time they teach so your child can learn effectively. A good teacher will also be someone who is punctual and reliable so you can count on them to be there when they say they will.

How Do These Core Values Help My Kids?

These 5 core values will help your child develop a solid identity as they learn new skills in any field, whether it's music or a martial art, or anything else. When they grow older they will be grateful that you have invested time and resources into giving them a core sense of self and a strong identity based on these values at a young age. After all it's about more than black belts and self defense; it's about teaching them how to focus and be a successful person.

Every Student Deserves a School With Solid Foundations

This is important: that no matter what they decide to do when they grow up, they have a foundation of physical education, character, courage, commitment, good communication, and consistency. These are the core values you should expect to find in any martial arts school built around high standards with world class martial arts instructors.

This is what a great martial arts instructor will do for your child as they are teaching them the skills of practical self defense, situational awareness, body awareness, healthy lifestyle, fitness, conditioning, and the skill sets that lead to victory.

When you find this, you will have found someone who is not just teaching techniques, but is also instilling values that will serve your child throughout their life as they go out into the world.

Your Child's Martial Arts Journey

If you're looking for a solid martial arts school for your kids, look for one that embodies these core values and one that has a solid martial arts lineage. This is what my teachers have always taught me and this is the kind of instruction Executive Martial Arts offers every week in Nashville, TN.

If you’re ready for Martial Arts training for your family, reach out for a free trial class and see how we roll over at Executive Martial Arts. Don't worry, we welcome beginners as well as people of all rank and ability.


Nashville Swordsmanship Training


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